Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Evaluating Evidence

New York Times is a newspaper that has just about everything from political news to entrainment news. In a movie review in the New York Times they talked about the movie, The Shawshank Redemption. The review starts off using an emotional take to gain the readers attention. It has different pathos throughout the beginning review. Using phrases like "triumph of the human spirit" and "a particularly remorseless and icy man". Both these phrases draw readers by playing off their emotions. Making them want to know more about this triumph and human spirit. The review continues to use different quotes and parts from the movie that play of the reader’s emotion. The review has the creditability to question the movie on the minimal action it uses to show how rough and jail life can be to people. It states that the film is one of the first prison movies to use words to describe how rough jail life is rather then using the actions of its characters. The narrator, Morgan Freedom, who also plays Red, does a fantastic job in narrating the hardships of jail life along with Andy’s life, the main character. The review goes on describing how wonderful Mr. Robbins plays Andy and how well directed the movie is done by Mr. Darabont.

My second source is an article from khou.com, which is a news site in Texas. The article is about an attempted escape from jail. The article uses lots of different pathos, ethos, and logos to grab reader’s attention about the prison escape attempted. They keep the reader’s emotion involved by not mention until the end that that it was a failed attempt. They also use pathos by starting the article off with people being shot on the attempted escape. The use of logos is used through the fact that the prisons have to spend 23 hours a day alone in a single cell. Jason Clark of the Teas Department of Criminal Justice also says that these prisoners have to wear restraints no matter where they go