Monday, January 18, 2010

Rhetorical Analysis of Nosker House

Nosker House is a scholar dorm at The Ohio State University. Nosker is a very small dorm located on north campus. The house is not a freshman dorm. Meaning any grade level can live in the dorm. Mostly MMC (Media, Marketing, and Communication) scholars live in Nosker, but they do allow others too live there. One thing that stands out is the size of the dorm. When people think of dorms they think of giant buildings holding lots of students. Nosker is not one of these. Nosker is only 4 floors high and is in the shape of an L. It has a mix of girls and boys rooms throughout the dorm. On every floor there is a theme for each door that the RA’s have created. For instants on my floor they have a super hero theme. An overall idea of Nosker is that it is hidden. The dorm is only 4 floors high and tucked behind many buildings. If someone took a stroll down woodruff they probably would not even notice the tiny dorm room hidden behind Blackburn. However, people know about Nosker because it is located right next to North Commons. North Commons is were campus food is located.

Nosker House has a simple intent. The intent is to house students form The Ohio State University, and to create a community with these students. Students selected to live in Nosker are selected based on the interest with the scholar program or same living style. I really do not think there is a hidden function of Nosker. Only that Ohio State University called it Nosker House rather then Nosker Hall or Nosker Tower. Most dorms are called a certain name and then either the word tower or hall follows. To me they choose the name because they wanted to make it sound like they were building a family with the students’ living in the dorm, rather then just campus housing.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Writing Background

My name is Joseph Hirka and I would like to welcome everyone to my blog. I am a freshman at The Ohio State University and I plan on majoring in Accounting, and hopefully achieving a minor in mathematics. Throughout my years of English classes I have never written a blog. I have followed many blogs and have commented on a few, but never have I written one myself. My favorite blogs to read have to be sports blogs and one’s my friends from high school wrote and still write. Not many people realize that school or academic written really does go hand in hand with the way we write for the public. I say this because writing in school is supposed to prepare someone for the next level. In middle school the writings we did were done to prepare us for high school writing. Then in high school, from my personal experience, I was taught how to write for college. I say this because I learned how to write analytically.

The major assignment for my English class this quarter is to pick a source on the topic of survival and analysis it. For this assignment I am going to need to know how to write analytically. Along with this analytical paper I have to write blogs. These blogs and this paper are ultimately supposed to prepare me for the next level of writing. In my mind the next level is public writing. Yes I know anyone can public write, but can they do it good? The answer varies only because some may be naturally gifted. However, most of the interesting blogs comes from journalist majors or writers with some college writing course. Therefore, a college level of writing has prepared them to create interesting blogs or writings.